Professional Experience

Software Engineer
2024-01-31 - present
Ajackus Digital solutions services

Ajackus is a digital solutions company solving real-world problems & provide the best remote technology services.

  • Working as a full stack (Go) engineer.
  • Contributing to a project in the corporate and residential real-estate domain.
Software Developer
2020-11-24 - 2023-10-27
Avi Software Service provider startup
Jammu & Kashmir, India

Avi Software (founded in 2020) is a startup offering Product Engineering, Consultancy, IT Services, Project Outsourcing and Staff Augmentation services to various domestic and international clients.

  • Collaborated with various domestic and foreign clients in the Web 3.0, Blockchain, E-commerce and MedTech domains.
  • Effective communication with clients and stakeholders for clear understanding of their requirements.
  • Provided software development support to client projects in both individual capacity as well as team-player within dedicated project team.
  • Participated in architectural designs, code reviews and wrote high-quality and well-tested code across all projects.

Major Projects Undertaken

WAYFAIR.COM | E-COMMERCE PLATFORM Wayfair is an e-commerce platform which sells furniture and home goods online.
  • Worked as a part of supplier integration engineering team.
  • Migrated profound services related to supplier integration platform in the PHP monolith to Go.
  • Designed and implemented new inbound shipping label and documents service.
  • Collaborated with full-stack and frontend developers for the integration of APIs and microservices.
ZBLOCKS | WEB 3.0 ENABLED CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT SAAS PLATFORM It is a SaaS platform which provides web3.0 and blockchain enabled solutions for customer engagement. The platform provides a suite of products for enterprises such as Digital Assets Creation Studio, One Click Smart Token Claim, Direct Consumer Channel, Token Gated Access, CRM Integration, Analytics & Reporting, Cross Brand Campaign Collaboration, etc.
  • Understood the use-cases from Lead Tech Architect and converted those into technical requirements.
  • Implemented scalable and performant business critical microservices in Golang for the blockchain data and the analytics modules.
  • Implemented multi-tenant data serving APIs enabling web 2.0 enterprises to consume blockchain and NFTs data.
  • Built platform components such as Data Ingestion Service, Multi-channel Notification Service, Generic- Payload Hashing Service (Hashify) for the consumption by other modules and services across all teams.
  • Cross-team collaboration for backend services integration.
  • Built API for Token Gated Access product which enables enterprises to verify their redeemable tokens based on the NFTs owned by the wallet user.
  • Major contributions to primary products such as NFT Campaign Manager, Token Gated Access, CRM Integrations (Salesforce, HubSpot, Dynamics) and Analytics & Reporting.
ZBYTE | LOW-CODE DECENTRALIZED APPS CREATOR SAAS PLATFORM It is a low-code-no-code SaaS platform which allows blockchain community developers to rapidly create decentralized applications (dApps) which can be tested and deployed to the blockchain networks like Avalanche and Polygon. The platform also provides developers with the blockchain wallet (zault) which is used to perform zbyte crypto token transactions on the platform. Wallet has a gallery feature to showcase all NFTs owned by the wallet user.
  • Implemented Carbon Emission Smart Contract API plugin which was used by the Carbon Emission Campaign dApp.
  • Implemented NFT data APIs and GraphQL gateway intended for community developers for usage in their NFT Campaign dApps.
  • Built storage provisioning API plugin enabling developers to provision custom storage for their dApps data (structured or unstructured) in exchange for some zbyte tokens.
  • Built data retention policy service for detection and cleanup of expired data in custom provisioned storages.
  • Implemented real-time smart-contract events notifications service to enable developers to subscribe for specific and custom on-chain smart contract events and get notifications in their dApps.
  • Collaborated with UI team for integration of APIs plugins into LCNC platform.
HOMEBAZAAR | REAL ESTATE E-COMMERCE PLATFORM HomeBazaar is a real estate platform facilitating buying and sale of properties. A buyer is able to find different properties in the desired locations, book tours of the properties, check reviews and ratings, shortlist their favorite properties and book meetings with the developers. The developers and owners are able to showcase and list their properties for sale in different locations within several price ranges.
  • Collaborated with product owner to understand the product roadmap, journey and vision, decompose them and plan the functionality implementations.
  • Conducted code reviews for team-members and peers.
  • Defined and implemented branching, GitLab CI/CD and deployment strategies for the project.
  • Designed and implemented end to end property search feature with support for full-text search.
  • Designed and implemented end to end property reviews and feedback feature.
  • Measured performance of existing pages and used optimization techniques such as lazy-loading, state-management, infinite-scroll, progress-skeletons and code-splitting.
API PROXY FOR AWS DATA STORES This API is used to query AWS Aurora RDS and Redshift data stores from within AWS VPC. This application is hosted within AWS VPC with public access enabled. This allows connections from outside AWS VPC to API Server within VPC and thus enables querying data stores available within VPC.
  • Conceptualized, designed and developed the complete application end to end independently.
  • Implementation of REST API services.
  • Mechanism to map input JSON to target DB query language.
  • Designed and implemented the multi-level security access to the services including the encryption and token-based security systems.
  • Implemented a deployment strategy of the project using containerization with Docker.
MYDOCTOR | MED TECH PLATFORM MyDoctor is an online consultation platform which connects the doctors and the patients. A patient can book appointment with a doctor, and then meet the doctor in the hospital or seek online consultation through video call. The system handles various aspects of online consultations such as Doctor/Specialty Search, Appointments Management, Patient History Management, Doctor Calendar & Slots Management, Payment Management, Handling Chats/Video calls.
  • Identified the development tasks from business requirements, and strategically plan architecture and implementation of features in the agile methodology.
  • Implemented major APIs for the server appointment booking, doctor search, user registration/login, specialty search and video call integration.
  • Implemented UI/UX from design specifications for various screens - appointment booking flow, login/signup, patient profile, doctor profile and search results.
  • Implemented the CI/CD jobs on GitLab for automated deployment and testing.

Open Source Contributions

DRONE | CONTINUOUS INTEGRATION (CI) PLATFORM Self-service continuous integration (CI) platform written in Go.
  • Contributed to the go-scm dependency library to improve Gitea integration with Drone.
  • Contribution PR -
YAPS | YET ANOTHER PLACEHOLDER SERVICE It is a placeholder image generation service written in Go.
  • Created this open-source containerized service to generate and use placeholder images during UI development when production images are work-in-progress.
CRASHBOTTOMSHEET | ANDROID LIBRARY It is an open-source library for android applications.
  • Developed this android library to replace generic app crash dialog with a customized user interface.

Personal Projects

APNASHARE | ANDROID APP ApnaShare is an android application used to share photos, videos, images, music, documents and other files between any two devices. Application has simple UI design and files are transferred from one device to another device through wireless medium (WiFi).
  • As an app author, complete execution - planning, design, implementation and marketing.
  • Reached 10K+ total downloads and 2K+ MAU.
ROUTINE TASK | ANDROID APP Android app helping users to plan and manage tasks for their daily schedule and also track their progress.
  • As an app author, complete execution - planning, design, implementation and marketing.
  • Reached 10K+ total downloads and 2K+ MAU.


  • Programming Languages

    Go (Primary), Javascript, Java, Python

  • Frontend Development

    HTML5, CSS3, React.js, Material UI Library, React Query Library, Responsive Design, Adaptive Design, Axios Library, Next.js 12, Redux Library, React Query, React Testing Library, Hotjar, Sentry, Storybook Library, Code Splitting, Lazy Loading, Infinite Scroll, Web Vitals, Lighthouse Score

  • Backend Development

    Gorilla Mux, Gin, Go Fiber, Gomock, Gorm, Testify, Gqlgen, SQL, JSON API, GraphQL, gRPC, CQRS, Event Sourcing, Temporal, Redis, RabbitMQ, RESTful API, Microservices, Unit testing, Integration testing, API Gateway, Authentication, Authorization, Event-Driven System, Jwt

  • Databases

    MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, SQLite, Azure Cosmos DB, AWS Aurora (MySQL)

  • Industry/Domains

    Blockchain, SaaS, e-Commerce, Real-Estate

  • Infrastructure Tools

    Azure Cloud, AWS Cloud, Kubernetes, CI/CD, Docker, Kibana, Git, GitHub, GitLab, Jira

  • Operating Systems

    Ubuntu, Debian, Windows, Android



Master of Computer Application (MCA)
2017-07 - 2020-11

Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA)
2014-07 - 2017-07


  • English — Professional
  • Hindi — Native


  • Reading — Blogs, Books
  • Workout — Gym
  • Travel — Mountains, Nature, Trekking